Saturday, June 11, 2022

Fake Party Host

 A fake party host is when a jammer appears to be hosting a party, although they actually aren't. Glitches can be done to make a party host appear on your nametag on your screen only, or on other jammers' screens only. This can be done to make a nonmember name tag appear with a party host, which is impossible otherwise, as nonmembers can't host parties.

Method 1: Changing the Calendar

This method makes the fake party host show on your screen only.

Step 1: Change your calendar to an earlier date whilst you are playing animal jam, and wait a few seconds.

Step 2: A party host should have appeared beneath your own nametag, but this doesnt happen 100% of the time. If it hasn't, change the calendar back again. Sometimes a fake party host appears on the username of another jammer.


When you have a fake party host showing on your own screen, you will have the option to "Go to your party" on the parties menu. When you press the button, nothing happens.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Peck's Circle of Doom

Peck's circle becomes stuck on your screen sometimes when you want to get rid of her, but she says no... 😑 The worst part is switching rooms doesn't make it go away!

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Speech outside an adventure

Step 1: go to an adventure which has speech at the beginning.
Step 2: time it so that you leave the adventure just as the speech bubble is about to appear.

If you get the timing right, the speech will appear outside the adventure.

This may also happen as a result of being adventure-locked.

Adventure Menu Glitch

Your adventure menu may appear glitched out when you enter an adventure, and functions like the map and player list don't work. None of the buttons work either. Everything goes back to normal when you exit the adventure.

Missing Jammer Wall Components

Sometimes things like stickers,  messages, masterpieces or the player avatar don't load in when you look at a Jammer wall.

Stuck Online

Logging off rarely causes your animal to become stuck online in a room until you log back on. This panda hasn't logged on in 3 days although they still appear as online.

I'm pretty sure its not permanent though... 😨

Empty Shop Slot

There can be empty shop slots in any shop (other than my shops) if AJ messes up something when they release new items. It is a slot that isn't supposed to be empty and is still there even when you sort by the category.