Sunday, December 5, 2021

Default Mannequin Icon

When mannequins don't load in your inventory (or on other people's trade lists),  they appear with the same Icon that they have in the diamond shop.

No Dens!

Sometimes when opening your dens list, none of the dens will load. You cannot close the tab so you have to reload.

Unloaded Achievements

 This is what happens when achievements fail to load when you open your achievement's list.

Crazy Adventure Menu Glitch

Sometimes when entering an adventure, the GUI of all the buttons displays on your screen at once, and only the map function works. The edit animal icon is invisible too. Everything gets fixed when you exit the adventure.

#6315's Attack V2

This can sometimes happen when exiting an adventure. Unlike the other version, all of the chat functions are glitched. The chat history's open and close buttons constantly flicker and you cannot use the chat bar. Like version 1, the edit animal icon updates when switching rooms. Going to an adventure fixes everything when you exit again.

Jamaaliday Den Item Glitch

The "Jamaaliday Centipiece" in the jamaaliday calendar appears with a green mat when you open the present, however when it's in your inventory it has a red mat underneath. The same thing happens to a lot of other den items, where a different design is shown in the calendar gift. (i.e. poofy rug and jamaaliday gift fence)

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Unloaded Animals

Animals can show as invisible when connection is bad.

They can sometimes not load inside the switch animals menu. You can still switch into them, but they will just appear invisible. Sometimes the animal name loads but the animal itself doesn't.

Animals in player cards can also not load. If you open their animal's list and click one that has loaded in, it removes the buffer. Then, you can click an invisible animal again to view it without a buffer.

Other people's animals may not load for you too. Patterned animal patterns can appear below unloaded animals too.